
17 June 2003


I have been thinking about this website biz alot lately. When I returned home, I thought....perhaps I should redesign my site. Because quite frankly, like the rest of you, I am REALLY tired of the layout, it needs some spice! Then I thought....I am kinda weirded and freaked out by everyone knowing so much about my life....now that I'm back and all. I mean, most people that read this know me anyway...so why not just call me up and ask me to lunch (your treat of course) and I will tell you all my news first hand? I mean, am I really interesting enough of a person to keep islandindigo going? I'm not so sure anymore. Look at my life these days....working not 1, but 2 jobs (yes, I got ANOTHER job), living in Bountiful with my parents, carless, moneyless....you get the picture, blah! Today my excitement was cleaning my room, watching "The Price is Right" and having Laura over for lunch. Oh, and I uploaded LOTS of photos from Costa Rica....

Any thoughts?


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13 June 2003

"Excuse me while I adjust....

Just what were the Counting Crows thinking letting Vanessa Carlton "ooom bop bop" during one of my favorite remakes of "Big Yellow Taxi"? Who is this Colin Ferrell guy that everyone is talking about? And when did everyone in Utah get SO white?

Sunday night I came home. Contrary to what anyone may think, I am not suffering from any culture shock (thanks to my 6 hour layover and time to catch up on the latest and greatest at the magazine rack in Houston) or I haven't broken down and cried because I miss Central America and I didn't have the urge to remain in the airport with hopes I could catch a ride back. I have been mentally preparing myself to return home for quite some time now. Now I am back, better than ever and perfectly content.

But seriously people....go outside once in awhile, it's summertime, it's warm, beautiful and it won't kill you to get a little color. What is killing me is looking at your glow in the dark, insupposable white legs!

I guess living in Central America the past 5 months, I am used to looking around and seeing nothing but waves of black hair, black eyes and beautiful brown skin. I am used to walking into a store after standing outside the door for 10 minutes trying to put what I want to say in spanish. I am used to only eating "arroz con pollo" or a "casado con plantains" or tacos. So pardon me if my system can't quite digest what you are eating!

Since my return, I have been easing back into the real world. I had a job interview yesterday morning, and I started another job last night. I spent a day at the pool drinking slurpees with Laura. I have hitched rides around town from Dave, Sommer, Laura and my wonderful mother. I had lunch with my favorite ex co-workers; Jasmina, Mandy, Mark, and Deb (I miss you Melodee!) I have been taking warm showers without shoes. I have slept in my nice, clean, quiet room and have not missed any bugs running across my face or toes. I have watched a radiant Salt Lake sunset. And I have been trying to get used to how freaking dry it is!

But I am home. It is a sweet feeling. And the best is yet to come!


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