
18 March 2003

"sidewalk blues"

One first glance, the streets and sidewalks in Antigua give the impression of being all charming and quaint.

A few days ago I was sitting in the 'Funky Monkey Internet' when I overheard 2 people discussing this subject. The lady had recently fallen and broken her finger, and it wasn't her first incident. The guy? He said he'd fallen 4 times just that day!

The bay windows also seem charming. But they have placed them at such a level that if you walk down the sidewalk and are not paying close attention, you can smack your head on one of them. Jen has a phobia and will not walk on the inside 'lane' of the sidewalks. Which leaves me that much closer to having an accident. I have also learned, it is not safe to walk around the town in shoes without good tread. I have nearly lost it while wearing my flip flops around town.

Mind you, I have put my contacts back in and can see perfectly these days. When I couldn't see, for those miserable 8 days, I had no problems walking. But today? I became the next victim. Not only did I trip, twice (in front of large crowds of people), but I smacked my head on the corner of the 'Cinema Bistro' window (no one saw that one, thank goodness).

So now I have to figure out a way in which to walk where I can watch the windows AND walks simultaneously. Any ideas? Because my head hurts and I think I may have twisted an ankle. It just can't be this hard people!


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