
21 October 2002

"Wild, Wild West....Wendover(?)"

This weekend was just what the dr. ordered! We headed out to beautiful (haha) Wendover on Saturday night. Me, Caren, Christa, Terri, and Shelly. Upon arrival, we met up with Cathy, Lori, Debbie, Wendy, Lou, Brooke, and Heather and got the party started! Now I can't mention too much because "whatever happens in Wendover, stays in Wendover..." but I WILL say it involved a night of blackjack, craps, La Bare, 4 AM search parties, hula-hooping, near-death experiences (thanks to Terri and Shelly's 'off-road wake-up call), portable potties, and naughty shot glasses. Wendover will never be the same....thanks ladies!

Sunday was spent napping and hanging with the family. My parents made me a lobster dinner...mmm....and then we went up to visit the grandparents/cousins/uncles/aunts. I love those Sundays! I made a quick drop by to Lorri's and she had burned me this CD. I have been listening to #7 ALL day long! Tonight I'm doing some volunteering up at the Red Butte Garden for the 'Garden After Dark' and then I need to get my butt some rest!


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