
11 October 2002

"Karma Baby"

Last night I learned I should never make snide remarks about my friends and their driving skills (or lack of). I apparently am not one to talk.

I was heading out to the marina for work, I left my other job about 10 minutes late...so I was in a rush. I pulled into the parking lot and was going to run into the restroom to change. I grabbed my clothes, shut the door and started running in...when I heard a funny noise and turned around only to notice MY emergency brake was not on. It was quite the site! I dropped my work clothes, grabbed my keys and somehow pulled off unlocking the door and putting on the emergency brake while the car was rolling. Lucky for me, I stopped it in time. Sommer wasn't so lucky. She had her sister's car and it rolled straight into our garage. Our idiot neighbors tattled on Sommer and called the landlord. The damage? $400! Sommer has been trying to work 2 jobs and get back into school. $400 was not something she wanted to spend on a 100 year old, piece of sh** garage. But our fundraiser paid off and she only had to fork over $150 of her own cash. When 6 girls put their head together...amazing things happen!

I've learned my lesson. I will no longer make fun of my friends on this site....it will always come back to bite me in the butt. I just never expected it to be so soon.


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