
31 October 2002

"Happy Hallowe'en!!!"

It's Hallowe'en, the sky is dark, the wind is in full motion, and I am sitting here in my cubicle wearing nothing but a hawaiian mu mu, a wrist and head lei, and some flip flops. Not at all scary and not at all warm! Tonight I'm going to my parents to eat granny's chili and to see my darling nieces and nephew all dressed up. Then who knows what the night will bring....

Alya had to go in this morning for a biopsy on her liver. They're not sure what's wrong with it, but it's been giving her trouble for awhile now. I hope and pray she will be alright.

I watched "The Shining" at Dave's last night....

Dave and Chris were at work all night...I DO NOT recommend watching this movie alone! This picture is enough to keep me up at night....


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